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Category Archives: sprites

So for those concerned, I have figured out how to make and animate the swivel, “professional term is bone” movement!  Also I have basic movement running.  I still have to tweak it to make it feel nice for the game type.  Next is building the rest of the body parts for the main character and testing it to hell.  Once I finish all that, I’ll build the first few minutes of the game and let you guys test it.  Easier said than done, here’s what been accomplished with the body parts:

It needs work.  Then I can do the head and the little piece of scarf!  Any artistic people here  feel free to tell me what’s wrong in detail.  Shoot, I’ll post individual body parts if you want to get really in depth.

Music wise, my good friend JustSomeToast has started a blog on WordPress as well.  You han find it here:

So if you’re into that sorta thing, then I’d subscribe to that.  He makes alot of good music.

Till next time!


So I’ve been working on some programing and having issues with collision and solid objects.  Horizantal movement isn’t too difficult, but gravity isn’t something I’d expect done for a little while.  I had a revelation and decided that since the character would have many animations and whatnot, that I would make each individual body part and attach them to each other instead of drawing a whole bunch of high-res sprites.  On a side note, hit boxes are at least going fine.

Oh.  And for those who use WordPress for blogging, the new layout is killing me.

Changing the agricultural area to a night time setting.  Hows it going so far?

Still gotta update the background on the second picture.  My spriting skills have now significantly improved since I last made those tile sets.  I am happy with myself.  I have been a bit slow to work on this lately for reasons many of you may be familiar with…

But anyway,  I’m having alot of fun updating the graphics, and plan to remake the farm tile set so it is at night time.  What do you think?

How does it look?

Here’s a quick screen shot:

I like the way this one looks.  I had a big help from Noxid with my booster hack, “meaning he did it all” so now the booster 0.8 functions as a double jump, and the booster 2.0 is limitless.  Prepare for a spike surounded boss fight!  The double jump increases the max jump height from 3 blocks to 5, “when used correctly” and I plaed with it forever. 

I said schme because I havn’t gotten much of the map making done this week.  Whenever I think of the tsc needed and how long and tedious it will be, my brain just kinda shuts down.  But I will do it this week, and hopefully not be lazy again.

EDIT: Looking at all the screen shots I’ve taken, I can see why some might think of this game as being a little random.  I can assure you that it is not, and that this game will be serious, the places are going to be linked together properly, and there will be cake. lie

Here are some screen shots. 

I finished the boss fight, dream sequence, and the first part of the areas using the pipes tile set.  With the =Spark= I can’t decide whether or not to include a boss fight.  I can’t decide because the range is literally a block in front of you. 

 The room after is pretty much finished, it just needs the TSC and flags applied for it and the next room. 

The game is meant to be pretty difficult and it is turning out to be so, but I’m really finding it hard to be creative with it.  I don’t want to just put in a bunch of badly located enemies and call it hard.  That is why I like to plan this stuff out ahead of time.  I’m really excited for things I know won’t even be released until probably the third or fourth beta.  Probably just because I know how to do them and can garaunte that no one has thought to do them yet.  I still need to get my beta out before GIRKAcheezer gets WTF 5.0 out.  If I don’t I’ll end up like the kid who follows up the musical artist with knock knock jokes in a talent show; wishing I’d gone first. 

I made an ORG this weekend and I can’t decide where to use it, it came out good, but I see two different places to use it.  ORG making sucks.  Even making remakes is hard, which is porbably the reason that I want to have mostly original music. 

To end it all, one more picture for good measure:

I just thought about it when I saw the sprite.


As promised.

As you can see, you don’t start in the tower right away.

This week I finished the Org for the reocurring character, made his sprites, made a cut scene with him, scripted an ambush, finshed  1 and 1/2 sprite sheets, and applied for a side job.

Someone in my class, who knows I am a spriter, told me a friend of his was working on a game and needed a spriter.  It’s for a game called “kwrpg” and it is looking pretty good for me.  I love trying new things and spriting, so I will  take on any challenge!

Still don’t expect a beta for some time, as I would like for the first one to be rather long.  I hate really short betas, so I will not make them.

My goal was to finish that ambush sceen by tthe end of the week, and I did it.  However, it was no easy task.  There are many different methods to make enemies appear from nowhere, and only one would work.  So I would like to throw a big shout out to =Noxoid= and =Wedge of Cheese= for the help in that. 

I still have graphics to tweak, “everything must be changed in some way, even just a little bit” but all I can think of is the mushrooms from the graveyard, the effects, and the fire from the fire places, “refer to first screen shot”

It’s something my math teacher likes to say when he makes a mistake, and don’t you criticize because he’s the best math teacher ever.

But I’m sad to say that I wasn’t able to get Audacity to record my songs.  I run on Windows 7 and it SUCKS, and has a broken audio recording system.  I have an idea on how to do songs, but it will require some time.  But to compensate, I will reveal some information to this non-existing audiance and show the three background sprites that I finished. 

First is the sprites:

And the character sprites I probably should have shown earlier, “and should edit.”

As for the bit of information, I have come up with the idea for a character for comedic relief.  While I am deciding on a name and sprite style, he will be the first boss, and then appear in cutscenes whenever you finish a major event.  His humor will be based around the basic fact that he is egotystical and a failure.  The other thing is a mysterious character who speakes to you and gives occasional hints over a radio.  But I have said too much already.

Earlier today I near finished a new tile set for a library, which will have a background based off of background tiles, and windows looking out to the sky and the maps actual background.  All that needs to be done is more decorational tiles and some ideas for enemies in said place.  woot.

I would like to say again that I am deeply sorry for the lack of music and that if there is no other way, then I will just post the Org’s on mediafire; I don’t really care if someone has the raw Org.  Speaking of Orgs, I have a friend of mine with some actual musical talent who is considering assistance with music.  While I do need to check up on that, and give instructions on some of the Orgtone layout, it should be  fine.


Why does no one comment?  I’m not begging, but sometimes I honestly just want to see something sounds dumb or looks ugly.

I did finish the tile set and even make a few ORGs, but I can’t seem to get the ORG I put into the game to play.  It keeps on playing scorching back when I set it to my other song.  It works the first two times, but the next times it does not.

Here are the tile sets I finished:

Maintinence area tile set: 

Grassy area tile set:

See ya later!